Money and Weapon:
To get 16000$ which is the max, sv_cheats must be on. So type in the following in your console:
then type in your console:
give weapon_
i suggest you bind them to 6 keys you dont use. for all the different categories
Adjust Gravity:
After activating cheat mode in the console with sv_cheats 1 you can change gravity with sv_gravity <-999 - 999999>
Go To Map:
After activating cheat mode in the console with sv_cheats 1 you can change gravity with changelevel . Example changelevel dust
Speed Upgraded:
To upgrade the speed of your movements in CounterStrike,go to your console and type
cl_forwardspeed 999. Repeat this with
cl_sidespeed 999 and cl_backspeed 999...
This will make your movements faster than ever...
See Thru Wall:
sv_cheats 1 and then type type gl_zmax 100 to turn off type gl_zmax 5000
C4 timer to 10 sec:
To set the timer type in your console
sv_cheats 1 and then type mp_c4timer 10
Auto aim only to sniper rifles:
Type this in your console
sv_cheats 1 and then type sv_aim
Hyper auto-aim:
First, type "sv_cheats 1" on the tilde key(~)then press enter. Then, type "sv_clienttrace 9999" then press enter to become hyper auto-aim. To bring it back to manual aim type "clienttrace 0000"
Look Through Wall,Records:
Use the console first then type the following codes:
gl_zmax 0 = Look through walls like that gadget in the latest James Bond movie.You could use an AWP and kill the enemy through the wall which is sheilding him.
gl_zmax 3600 = To disable the cheat above.
cl_hidefrags 0 = To see other peoples records of kills and deaths.
Have fun..
Brighten Surroundings:
sv_cheats 1 and then type lambert-1.0001
Bleed and No Damage
sv_cheats 1 and then type impulse 102
CS Cheats & Tricks:
to show graph:
type net_graph 1 to the console. 0 to default
to change the crosshair colors:
type adjust_crosshair on the console. there are 5 colors on the crosshair.
to disable crosshair to scope:
type crosshair 0. 1 to show.
to whiten all surroundings (change graphic resolution to 800x600 or higher):
type r_lightmap 1 on console